
15 08, 2020

Planter Box Remedial Work

By |2023-03-10T12:31:15+11:00August 15th, 2020|Members Articles, Remedial|

  One of the most popular design features in multi-dwelling residential construction is the use of planter boxes around liveable spaces. Unfortunately, the majority of installations in Melbourne are not constructed to comply with AS4654.2; section 2.13 Planter Boxes and, as a result, they fail. All AIW members will have received technical drawing which clarify [...]

8 05, 2020

Leaking Basement – Waterproofing Repairs & Rectification

By |2023-03-10T14:13:50+11:00May 8th, 2020|Members Articles, Remedial|

CASE STUDY - Combining waterproofing and structural repairs The owner of this new home had a swimming pool under his house in the basement, which contributed to the unfortunate problem of mould and stench coming from the foundations. The builder did the waterproofing himself – using plastic and product bought from a local hardware! It [...]

6 05, 2020

Remedial Waterproofing – Think First!

By |2023-03-10T12:58:09+11:00May 6th, 2020|Members Articles, Remedial|

Remedial works present all sorts of challenges, such as: • Structural failures • Condition of the building • Poor workmanship of previous works • Situation requires a permanent solution • Multiple product application options Quite often the best tool we have in regard to remedial works is - ‘between the ears'. Once the cause of [...]

3 07, 2019

Balcony Waterproofing Repairs

By |2023-03-10T14:20:26+11:00July 3rd, 2019|Members Articles, Remedial|

Leaking Balconies - Getting It Right - Do It Once Leaking balconies, roof & rooftop terraces Can cause catastrophic damage to structures below. Water leaks may cause not only aesthetic superficial damage but can progress to affect the structural integrity of the building envelope itself. If a failed waterproofing membrane is the reason for the [...]

3 03, 2019

Tiling After A Flood Event

By |2023-03-10T14:11:15+11:00March 3rd, 2019|Members Articles, Remedial|

Following the recent flooding events in Townsville and the surrounding area, questions regarding the restoration/replacement of affected tiled areas are commonly raised. The short answer is that each tile installation must be assessed individually, as the effects of the inundation will vary. Ceramic tiles, including porcelain, vitrified or glass tiles are note usually affected by [...]

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