Understanding Technical Data Sheets for Waterproofing

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Understanding Technical Data Sheets for Waterproofing


When                                      Tuesday, 9 February, 2020

Time                                        5:00 – 6:30 PM

Price                                        $64.39 (includes online booking fee)

Style                                        Webinar

CPD Credit                              1


Course Overview                  

Anyone can buy waterproofing products, but results show us that not many applicators can install the products correctly. Incorrect application can lead to costly failures leaving applicators vulnerable to litigation claims. Statistically, product failure only attributes to approximately 5% of the failures we see in the industry, with design and application error 35% and 60% respectively (estimated percentages).

Adhering to the stipulations on the technical data sheets is critical but how do you interpret the key pieces of information? If you are using just one product how do you know it is fit-for-purpose? Are you limiting yourself by favouring one manufacturer? And, importantly, whose fault is it if the substrate is not installed correctly and you apply a membrane over it and there is a failure?

How to Register



Main Takeaways

  • How to identify if the product is compliant to the relevant codes and standards
  • Identifying whether the product is “fit for purpose” for the site requirements
  • Forming system compatibility chains
  • Product warranty and compliance certificates
  • Determining what you are covered for in the event of a failure
  • How to determine if the job is going to cost you more than you can earn.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help you develop the skills to use any product or manufacturer and become the best in your industry!


Teacher          Byron Landeryou

Byron Landeryou is the founder of Waterproof Awareness and currently contracts to the Master Builders of Victoria where he is teaching waterproofing and assisting in the course and resource re-development of their current Industry-leading waterproofing courses.

Byron is one of few experienced waterproofing and tiling consultants in Australia with extensive knowledge and 20 years’ experience in under-tile waterproofing design, installation and teaching, fault identification and appropriate rectification processes.


Teacher                        Darin Fitzgerald

Darin has over 35 years’ experience in the building industry with the last 20 years in the waterproofing industry. He is a licensed waterproofing technician and certified infrared thermographer. His experience as a Technical Services Manager, Product Manager, Sales Manager, Specification Advisor and Importation Manager of major waterproofing brands into Australia and New Zealand means that he has a broad knowledge of waterproofing products and understands the language of technical data and how to interpret them. He has also managed export sales into Australia and New Zealand from 128 manufacturing facilities and currently represents Australia and New Zealand in Europe for the BMI Group.

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