Developing Waterproofing Materials Specifications

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Waterproofing Awareness Webinar – Developing a Waterproofing Materials Specification

The vast majority waterproofing materials failures can be attributed to membranes under performing in service conditions that they were not intended to be exposed.

Currently the selection of waterproofing materials is often left to the discretion of the waterproofing contractor and a design and construct model in a competitive tender market.  Unfortunately, this results in suitable products being replaced with more cost-effective options that may not be suitable for the service conditions to which they will be exposed, with disastrous consequences.

The NCC has requirements for demonstrating ‘fit for purpose’ of any materials, products or forms of construction used on a project and waterproofing materials must demonstrate compliance with this requirement. NCC compliance pathways and evidence of suitability will be discussed in the context of waterproofing materials. Australian Standards documents exist as deemed-to-satisfy provisions for evaluating the performance of waterproofing materials in construction.

A Waterproofing Materials Specification is a project specific document that is typically best developed by the manufacturer or supplier of the materials as they are expected to have a current and thorough understanding of the waterproofing materials intended use scenarios.  The Waterproofing Materials Specification must be more than a list of materials and location to demonstrate compliance with the National Construction Code, project specific information such as substrate type, overlay types and many other criteria must all be identified to confirm the materials are being used as intended.

Some of the topics covered:

  • Understanding technical data sheets
  • NCC Compliance requirements
  • Australian Standards for waterproofing materials testing and performance
  • Key criteria required for a Waterproofing Materials Specification

Developed and presented by:

  • Byron Landeryou
  • Darin Fitzgerald
  • David Previte

Webinar replay available to all paid ticket holders with a one-time access code.

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