Leaking Basement – Waterproofing Repairs & Rectification

1202, 2022

Lessons We’ve Learned and Others Taking More Time

Members Articles, Technical Issues|

In a recent chat with a few of my staff we’d been recollecting how the waterproofing and building game was in the 80s / 90s. It felt like I was pulling stories out of the vault, but it wasn’t that long ago we approached it this way and, in some cases, still are. Without writing, War and Peace I thought I’d rattle off ten of the things that were done in the late 80s, early 90s that we no longer do, demonstrating the disconnect often found between waterproofing and associated trades. Concrete is impervious and doesn’t need to be waterproofed. [...]

1202, 2022

Social Media to Catch Tax Cheats

Members Articles, Regulatory Environment|

The building and construction industry will be the next main target of the taxman’s attempts to claw-back revenue lost due to the illegal cash economy. The Australian Taxation Office has visited over 1000 building and construction small businesses over the past financial year to talk with them about their tax and superannuation obligations. Sydney homeowner Marie Najjar knows how hard it is to find a good tradesman. It will be visiting thousands more in the coming months. And it’s now using social media to catch out tax cheats. Assistant Commissioner Matthew Bambrick told Fairfax Media the top three risky industries [...]

1508, 2020

Planter Box Remedial Work

Members Articles, Remedial|

  One of the most popular design features in multi-dwelling residential construction is the use of planter boxes around liveable spaces. Unfortunately, the majority of installations in Melbourne are not constructed to comply with AS4654.2; section 2.13 Planter Boxes and, as a result, they fail. All AIW members will have received technical drawing which clarify Australian Standards. One excellent reference is diagram number 023B – PLANTER BOX CONSTRUCTION. We see so many numerous failures, that planter boxes in good working order are the exception, not the rule. The photos attached are a recent example in the seaside suburb of Elwood. [...]

1508, 2020

Paul’s Rant

Members Articles, Regulatory Environment|

How Are We Going to Stop It? A rant by Paul Evans - AIW President I feel it necessary to call out those in the construction industry who are building defective buildings right from the ‘get go’ and walking away, leaving a massive trail of distress, destruction, disheartened public. As a remedial builder and specialist waterproofer we are seeing more and more building with defects that are younger than ever before. An example of this is a $7mill house that is less than 2yrs old and is leaking like a sieve. The simplicity of properly tanking a retaining wall would [...]

1008, 2020

Great Leadership in Times of Crisis

Members Articles, Regulatory Environment|

With thanks to Ron Caruana from Danrae Group The men and women in charge of our organizations are now faced with uncharted challenges: leading their organization through a global pandemic. In this time of crisis, most leaders are doing their best to step up and inspire people to do their best. And they’re doing a great job. One of the challenges is the evolving new normal. Rapidly changing guidelines, mandates, and infrastructure require continual monitoring and adjustments. Leaders are in a constant state of discovery, decision making, designing, and implementation. This requires resilience, collaboration, and great communication. Those who are [...]

1008, 2020

Different Waterproofing Requirements Between Shower Floors and Walls

Members Articles, Technical Issues|

In ‘AS3740 waterproofing of domestic wet areas’ has the floor of a shower recess needing to be waterproof while the general area of the walls as water-resistant. The reason for this difference is that water flows across the floor during operation but the walls only get water splash. When finishing showering water pools on the floor being held in place by surface tension as shown in Figure 1, while on the walls only beads as shown in Figure 2. While water proofing is required across the floor it also needs to be turned up the walls to a height dependent [...]

1005, 2020

A Consultant’s View – Waterproofing Membranes on Balconies with Lightweight Claddings

Members Articles, Technical Issues|

My job is to assist clients with waterproofing issues arising from leaks to their homes, apartments or places of business. I am not going to dissect all of the challenges we face as an industry, but I will discuss in this issue one of the most common faults I see on an almost a daily basis, for which you as the waterproofing applicator are constantly blamed. Balconies present a large part of the work I conduct when water ingress to the internal space of a property is to be investigated. These balconies are often built over living spaces. In this [...]

905, 2020

Door Thresholds!!!

Members Articles, Technical Issues|

A very common fault we see in buildings are the door thresholds being too low or non-existent (flush). This door frame was sitting down on the tiled surface and water had been ingressing in for a very long-time causing destruction of structural timbers below and adjacent to the door frame. In this case the screed, which was necessary to create the falls, but lifted the threshold point to zero. Bad planning right for the day it was built. I presume the height of threshold was builder carried out “seen” by Building Surveyor before screeds were installed. Otherwise they would not [...]

805, 2020

Leaking Basement – Waterproofing Repairs & Rectification

Members Articles, Remedial|

CASE STUDY - Combining waterproofing and structural repairs The owner of this new home had a swimming pool under his house in the basement, which contributed to the unfortunate problem of mould and stench coming from the foundations. The builder did the waterproofing himself – using plastic and product bought from a local hardware! It was a very tight situation; but our Team were fantastic with this job. The foundation was excavated and cleaned right down to the footings and then waterproofing application installed. Custom made plumbing system was installed. We had our plumber fabricate special 100 mill sewer pipe [...]

705, 2020

President’s Address – Getting Paid, Onsite Practice

Members Articles, Regulatory Environment|

Hello to all AIW Members In these uncertain times it is difficult to know what the future will hold, but if we keep our spirts up and work as hard as possible, we will come through this. The economic uncertainty should have all members looking at the way they trade and not being left out in the cold for payments. The reason I write this is, businesses are struggling for cash flow, some are folding and taking contractor with them. I urge all to not let the usual terms and conditions that everyone takes for granted and swallows be the [...]

Author: aiw

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