Looking for Qualified Waterproofers? Try a TAFE


If you are looking for team members? If so the TAFEs and RTOs are a good source. Nationally, there are several TAFEs and RTOs that offer the Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing that have had groups finish throughout the year or have just completed and gained successful competency. These students are keen, ready and looking for work


Each TAFE may have a different method of contact, but here is a good link to start with: 



Another excellent resource is the Waterproofing Industry Network on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/groups/waterproofingindustrynetwork/ to get your job advertised to a substantial audience. 


Get Qualified for Free!

If you or your staff want or need the Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing, its FREE across the TAFE network in Victoria. Enrolments and intakes for 2023 are being taken so get in and get qualified. 






Author: aiw