Monitoring and Testing the Waterproofing Process for Installation Success

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Monitoring and Testing the Waterproofing Process for Installation Success


When                                      Tuesday, 16 February, 2020

Time                                        5:00 – 6:30 PM

Price                                        $64.39 (includes online booking fee)

Style                                        Webinar

CPD Credit                              1


Course Overview                  

The effort exerted in modern constructions is biased towards ‘front-end’ elements – design and materials selection – with insufficient attention on the ‘back-end’ – construction processes and quality control, which are vital for the successful execution of the designs. This helps to explain why the overwhelming majority of waterproofing failures are caused by installation deficiencies.

In this webinar we examine and explain how to test and monitor back-end waterproofing processes to ensure quality of workmanship is upheld.

How to Register


Main Takeaways

  • Learn how to implement quality testing successfully
  • Learn how to develop a ‘scope of works’ for waterproofing
  • Learn key performance parameters of waterproofing
  • Learn the testing requirements for AS3740 and AS4654.2 compliance
  • Find out other standards relevant to successful waterproofing installation
  • Develop a wholistic view of waterproofing quality control and record-keeping.


Our Goal

Our goal is to help you develop the skills to use any product or manufacturer and become the best in your industry!


Trainer            Byron Landeryou

Byron Landeryou is the founder of Waterproof Awareness and currently contracts to the Master Builders of Victoria where he is teaching waterproofing and assisting in the course and resource re-development of their current Industry-leading waterproofing courses.

Byron is one of few experienced waterproofing and tiling consultants in Australia with extensive knowledge and 20 years’ experience in under-tile waterproofing design, installation and teaching, fault identification and appropriate rectification processes.


Trainer                        David Previte

David Previte is the founder of Waterproofing Integrity which is focusses on quality control testing of waterproofing installations. David has worked in construction waterproofing for the past 12 years conducting estimation, procurement, installation, management and quality control.

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